“I’m hoping to get a bit further ahead this semester. I feel that I work hard at Uni, but I have an annoying habit of saying that my work is ‘good enough’, and now I’d like to put in the extra mile. I guess I’d also like to not stress all the time. Puppies help with this, including Lexi, my 8-year-old Labrador/Springer Spaniel cross. Lexi never leaves my side when I’m at home with my parents and always puts a smile on my face. I stayed in halls last year but didn’t enjoy living with other people, so now I commute two hours to Uni every day (one hour there, one hour back). It’s not too bad, although I do have to wake up at six in order to fit in scrolling through my phone before catching the train! At the weekends I work at a pub, which I love. It’s so much better than my last job, where I would sometimes end up in tears before a shift and just generally dread it. The pub is my favourite job so far. Other than that, I tend to just relax and do Uni work. After Uni I hope to be in publishing and may even start writing my first crime fiction novel.”