“I don’t really miss much about studying; oh wait, I do miss being able to manage my own time and doing my work at home. Nowadays I am micro-managed by a very difficult woman. She’s gone as far as calling me a liar in front of all my work colleagues. She was in the wrong and when she realised that, she didn’t apologise. I’m hoping I won’t be working there for much longer though because my husband and I are trying for a baby. We’ve been trying for six months now and I dread the days I am due on because I really don’t want my period to come. That’s partly because I want to be pregnant and partly because my periods are so bad. I suffer from endometriosis and it makes them so painful; honestly sometimes the pain is so bad I throw up. I even get really bad pain when I ovulate; it’s like a hot stabbing feeling. I’m scared each month when my period is due – I had the coil for years and that stopped them altogether which was bliss. I had it taken out when we decided it was time to have a family. We’ve been married for six years now and I’m thirty next year. I thought getting pregnant would be easy but after six months of trying, I’m beginning to wonder if the endometriosis is making it more difficult. I’m going back to the doctor in April if nothing has happened by then.”